Reyuva Hair Transplant Center, C - 63, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi - 92, India. (Opp. Pillar no. 78). Ph: + 91 11 35535498, M: +91 9810609643, Email:

For booking call: + 91 9810609643
Write to us at:

Reyuva Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement Center
C - 63, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi - 92, (Opp. Pillar no. 78)


Facial Scar Removal by Derma-abrasion - dermabrasion is a technique in which the superficial dead layer of the skin is removed by a special machine. The new layer of the skin that comes after removal of the dead superficial layer gives the person a young fresh look. The face scars like the acne scars are evened out and removed.

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that revitalizes dull skin, reduces large pores, erases fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, reduces mild pigment irregularities (hyperpigmentation), stretch marks and age spots.

Microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing treatment that works by gently abrading the top layer of the skin with the help of micro aluminium oxide crystals leaving a new, fresh layer underneath.

Microdermabrasion is effective on diminishing and even getting rid of fine lines, enlarged pores, blackheads, age spots, hyperpigmentation (uneven skin tone), scars, stretch mar ks, wrinkles and dull skin.


Advantages of Microdermabraions

  • It is the least invasive dermatological procedure (compared to laser resurfacing)
  • It is more affordable than cosmetic surgery.
  • Micro derma abrasion is painless.
  • It has the fewest side effects and it is effective on all skin types and colors.
  • Microdermal abrasion does not need anesthetic
  • It helps your skin look younger, healthy, glowing and for some people, close to perfect





Microdermabrasion for Facial Rejuvenation - microdermabrasion removes the superficial layers of the skin leaving the red glowing fresh skin. Gives the face a fresh glowing look.


FAQs about Microdermabrasion


Q. 1. What is microdermabrasion ?

A. It is a technique of removal of the superficial layers of the skin by special machine. Microdermabrasion uses tiny exfoliating crystals that are sprayed on the skin. It works best on problems such as dull skin, brown spots, and age spots.


Q. 2. Which scars can be improved by microdermabrasion ?

A. Microdermabrasion can improve acne scars, pox marks, and scars from accidents or disease. It's not effective in treating congenital skin defects, most moles, pigmented birthmarks, or scars caused by burns. 


Q. 3 How does microdermabrasion works ?

A. In microdermabrasion tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin to gently remove the outer layer of your skin. It is basically an exfoliation and skin rejuvenation procedure that leaves skin looking softer and brighter.


Q. 4. What is the effect on skin after Microdermabrasion ?

A. After microdermabrasion, your skin will be pink and feel dry and tight (like sunburn or windburn) for about 24 hours. Use moisturizes and sun screen for few days after microdermabrasion. The full effect of the procedure can be appreciated after one to two weeks.


Q.5. Can the scars from injuries or burn scars be treated by microdermabrasion?

A. It is not effective on severe skin imperfections because microderm abrasion can not reach deeper layers of skin. Microdermabrasion can, however, get rid of superfic ial acne scars and red marks. Microdemabrasion is a safe alternative to chemical peels & laser rejuvenation for acne scars & fine lines


Q.6.How many sittings are required?

A. Quick treatment sessions with optimal results after only four sessions; each session lasting about 20 to 30 minutes spaced about 7 to 10 days apart. It shows immediate and progressive results that last.